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TCI SprayStrong

Provides properties of improved hydrophobicity in concrete.


  • Protects from the Impacts of Corrosion & Environmental Contaminates

  • Establish a Protective Film on the Rebar Surface

  • Preserves, Repairs, and Strengthens Structures through Chemistry

  • Extends the Service Life of Structures and Concrete Pipes

  • Convert Rust to a Hard Insert Shell

  • Reduces Water Penetration

  • Provides Resistance to Acid

  • Substantially Reduces Porosity


  • Water and Wastewater Concrete Pipes

  • Hydroelectric Dams and Bridges

  • Concrete Medians

  • Water Treatment Facilities

  • Industrial Plants

  • Parking Garages

SprayStrong (1).png


  • New concrete has a high pH which continually regenerates the protective coating on the rebar.

  • Concrete is extremely porous

  • Over time, oxygen & moisture, chlorides, carbon dioxide and other environmental contaminants migrate thru the concrete down to the reinforcing steel

  • A drop in pH will occur over time as a result of the concrete’s exposure to carbon dioxide, chlorides, acids and other chemicals and environmental contaminates.

  • The pathways for these chlorides and pH reducing contaminants to enter the concrete are cracks and gel pores.

  • Expansive stresses on surrounding concrete (<20,000 psi) causes the rebar to swell and the concrete to delaminate from the reinforcing and the concrete to crack

  • With the pH compromised and more contaminates migrating through cracking the deterioration cycle is accelerated, and corrosion begins to travel through the bar to other areas far beyond the cracking.

  • Traditional methods of blocking these pathways, sealants, coatings and water repellents may provide short term protection for new concrete, but breakdown with time as they are organic. 

  • Patching without pacifying the steel in surrounding concrete will lead to accelerated corrosion (anodic ring)

spraystrong treated (acid test).png

SprayStrong TREATED

non treated (acid test).png


Pure Muriatic Acid Test: SprayStrong

This demonstration features pure muriatic acid, a concentration not typically found in natural environments. However, the impact of this highly corrosive substance on pipes illustrates its significant deteriorating effects.

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