TCI SprayStrong Plus+
Provides properties of improved hydrophobicity in concrete.
Protects from the Impacts of Corrosion & Environmental Contaminates
Establish a Protective Film on the Rebar Surface
Preserves, Repairs, and Strengthens Structures through Chemistry
Extends the Service Life of Structures and Concrete Pipes
Convert Rust to a Hard Insert Shell
Reduces Water Penetration
Provides Resistance to Acid
Substantially Reduces Porosity
Water and Wastewater Concrete Pipes
Hydroelectric Dams and Bridges
Concrete Medians
Water Treatment Facilities
Industrial Plants
Parking Garages

New concrete has a high pH which continually regenerates the protective coating on the rebar.
Concrete is extremely porous.
Over time, oxygen & moisture, chlorides, carbon dioxide and other environmental contaminants migrate thru the concrete down to the reinforcing steel.

​A drop in pH will occur over time as a result of the concrete’s exposure to carbon dioxide, chlorides, acids and other chemicals and environmental contaminates.
The pathways for these chlorides and pH reducing contaminants to enter the concrete are cracks and gel pores.
Expansive stresses on surrounding concrete (<20,000 psi) causes the rebar to swell and the concrete to delaminate from the reinforcing and the concrete to crack.
With the pH compromised and more contaminates migrating through cracking the deterioration cycle is accelerated, and corrosion begins to travel through the bar to other areas far beyond the cracking.
Traditional methods of blocking these pathways, sealants, coatings and water repellents may provide short term protection for new concrete, but breakdown with time as they are organic.
Patching without pacifying the steel in surrounding concrete will lead to accelerated corrosion (anodic ring).
TCI SprayStrong Plus+ TREATED
Pure Muriatic Acid Test: TCI SprayStrong Plus+
This demonstration features pure muriatic acid, a concentration not typically found in natural environments. However, the impact of this highly corrosive substance on pipes illustrates its significant deteriorating effects.